Friday, April 28, 2006

Nintendo Revolution = Nintendo Wii

Nintendo announced the official name for their upcoming gaming system yesterday, and it has created quite a stir. Previously referred to by it's codename "Revolution", the system shall henseforth be called "Wii" (pronounced "We", or as some prefer to think, "whee").

While Nintendo has wasted no time in justifying the console's new moniker, the online community has been left a bit dumbfounded by it. Forums on popular game news sites such as IGN have be buzzing with questions and criticisms. Some people have started petitions in hopes of somehow convincing Nintendo to change the name. Others have taken to 'redesigning' the new logo, incorporating suggestive images into the typography, as a means of voicing their displeasure.

Though the response may be good or bad, this new name has certainly caught the attention of the gaming world at large. With E3 on its way, we're sure to hear more over the coming weeks.

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